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Idatabase 4 0 – Organize All Your Information And Database

  1. Idatabase 4 0 – Organize All Your Information And Database Query
  2. Idatabase 4 0 – Organize All Your Information And Database Management System
  3. Idatabase 4 0 – Organize All Your Information And Database Access

50+ Database Templates or Build Your Own. Organize & Manage Your Customers, Vendors & Contacts. MyDatabase lets you import data from the most popular databases including Microsoft® Access™, Excel®, and Outlook®. Keep your customers, clients, friends and family informed with personalized emails. A panel will then open on the right hand side of the window, where you can enter the details for the new database. Enter an ID for your new database and, optionally, set the throughput (you can change this later) and finally click OK to create your database. Make a note of this database ID for use later on when configuring your bot.

Basic biomechanics susan hall 5th edition pdf. iDatabase makes it easy for everyone to create and manage collections, inventories, lists and databases thanks to a novel user experience for this type of application. iDatabase is ideal for those who want to organise and quickly look up useful information for work or leisure. iDatabase for iPhone and iPad offers the easiest way to organise information, manage membership lists, expenses, projects, keep track of your internet passwords and much more.

Ready to use

Create collections and inventories with a tap.

Without having any previous experience with databases, you can use the included templates to quickly create and customise databases containing inventories, membership lists, expenses, projects, recipes and much more! You can choose from 22 ready-to-use templates and customise them to organise all types of information: CD collections, DVD collections, Discs, My Accounts, Courses, Computers, Contacts, Customers, Events, Diary exercises, Expenses, Inventory, Film catalogues, Membership lists, Mobile phones, Notes, Projects, Recipes, Things to do, Car maintenance, Animals and Books. You can also easily exchange templates with other iDatabase users via email.

Make your life easier

Type what you are looking for and let the app do the work for you.

Are you looking for a contact, a book, your account details or a link stored in one of your database? No problem, type what you are looking for in the search field and let the app do the work for you. iDatabase can help you, even if you prefer to see the data by scrolling through. In a flash, you can sort the data by any field, and finally, if you share the device with your colleagues or family, or travel around the world and want to keep your personal information away from prying eyes, you can set a 4-digit PIN to prevent unauthorised access.

A field for everything

Carry everything in your pocket.

With iDatabase, you have a large number of different fields to enter your information. Store text, images, links, passwords, phone numbers and arithmetic operations so easily that it is amazing. You can manage your CD collection, store the passwords of your accounts, create an address book containing contact information for your customers or friends, and much more. iDatabase lets you carry everything in your pocket! Store your data in 14 different types of fields.

  • Small Text Field use small text fields to store characters of letters, symbols, and numbers used as text in a single line of text without scrolling bar.
  • Large Text Field use large text fields to store characters of letters, symbols, and numbers used as text in a multi line of text with scrolling bar.
  • Number Field use number fields to store numbers.
  • Date Field use date fields to store dates.
  • Time Field use time fields to store time.
  • Date and Time Field use Date and Time fields to store a date and time together to reference a fixed point in calendar time.
  • Choose Field use item picker fields to present a list of mutually exclusive choices. Item picker fields are used as a means of selecting one choice from a list of two or many.
  • Image fields use image fields to store images.
  • Separator Field use separators to divide a record into distinct visual parts.
  • Password Field use password fields to store passwords or any other sensible text data.
  • Web Link Field use Web link fields to store web links, FTP addresses or any other URL.
  • Email Field use Email fields to store email addresses.
  • Checkbox field use checkboxes fields to indicate one option that must be either on or off.
  • Calculation Field use calculation fields to present the result of a arithmetic operation between number fields content. A calculation field can be a result of addition, multiplication, ratio and subtraction.

Synchronise, back up and share

Store and retrieve all your important databases in your Dropbox space.

Data loss is a thing of the past with iDatabase and its built-in backup function. You can store and retrieve all your important databases in your Dropbox space – just a tap. Have you ever dreamed of keeping the databases you have on your iPhone synchronized with those you have on your Mac? If you also own iDatabase for Mac, you can do it with Wi-Fi Sync. Another great feature is the ability to share your work with friends and colleagues via email, in several formats. When you receive the file, you can import data immediately into the iDatabase iPhone or Mac!

Description of iDatabase 6.2

With iDatabase 6.2, you can manage membership lists, expenses, projects, keep track of your passwords, internet accounts and much more! You can choose from its ready to use and easy to personalize database templates to organize any type of information or you can create a totally new database from scratch. Database allows you to catalog all the information you want and then easily find it whenever you need. Boom3d: volume booster and eq 1 3 1.

Vmware fusion pro 11 5 18. TEMPLATES INCLUDED

Choose from 22 ready-to-use database templates which you can personalize to fit your needs. The following templates are included: Accounts, Books, CD Collection, Classes, Computers, Contacts, Customers, DVD Collection, Events, Exercise Log, Expenses, Inventory, Membership List, Mobile Phones, Movie Catalog, Notes, Pet Care, Projects, Recipes, Records, To Do, Vehicle Maintenance.


  • With iDatabase, you have a large number of different fields to enter your information. iDatabase lets you store your data in 14 different types of fields:
  • Small text: use small text fields to store characters of letters, symbols, and numbers used as text in a single line of text without scrolling bar.
  • Large text: use large text fields to store characters of letters, symbols, and numbers used as text in a multi line of text with scrolling bar.
  • Number: use number fields to store integers or decimals numbers.
  • Date: use date fields to store dates.
  • Time: use time fields to store time.
  • Date and time: use Date and Time fields to store a date and time together to reference a fixed point in calendar time.
  • Image: use image fields to store images.
  • Choose: use choose fields to present a list of mutually exclusive choices. Item picker fields are used as a means of selecting one choice from a list of two or many.
  • Calculation Field: use calculation fields to present the result of a arithmetic operation between number fields content. A calculation field can be a result of addition, multiplication, ratio and subtraction.
  • Idatabase 4 0 – Organize All Your Information And Database Query

  • Email: use Email fields to store email addresses.
  • Link: use Web link fields to store web links, FTP addresses or other URLs.
  • Checkbox: use checkboxes fields to indicate one option that must be either on or off.
  • Organize
  • Password: use password fields to store passwords or any other sensible text data.
  • Phone: use phone fields to store phone numbers.

    The application can be protected by an access code to prevent unauthorized use.

    Idatabase 4 0 – Organize All Your Information And Database Management System


    iDatabase for Mac can be synchronized via Wi-Fi with iDatabase for iPhone (sold separately). The app supports Backup and Restore, Exporting and Importing of databases in .idatabase and .CSV formats. The .idatabase files preserve the complete content and structure of the database, including pictures and they can also be used by iPhone version of iDatabase.
    What’s New:
    Version 6.2:

  • Release notes were unavailable when this listing was updated.
  • Compatibility: OS X 10.10 or later 64-bit
    Homepage https://www.apimac.com

    Screenshots of iDatabase 6.2
    Aiseesoft mac pdf to epub converter 3 3 8 free.

    Idatabase 4 0 – Organize All Your Information And Database Access

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    Idatabase 4 0 – Organize All Your Information And Database
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